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New specialized course on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and autonomous robotics for media professionals

Deadline for applications: <br> 14 February 2016

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a feature of science fiction writing for almost a century, but it is only in more recent years that the prospect of truly autonomous robotics - even those that have only limited functionality - have become viable. While this potentially will provide great opportunities, the development of AI is likely to impact upon the very functioning of society, posing practical, ethical and security challenges.

To deepen the understanding of many implications of these technological advances, the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael are organizing a specialized course for media and public information professionals.

The course will take place from 23 to 24 March 2016 at the Institute of International Relations Clingendael, The Hague (The Netherlands).

The media and sources of public information are central in ensuring that citizens and institutions have a realistic and balanced understanding of such technologies. Clear, objective and reliable reporting is crucial in disentangling the myriad complexities inherent in discussions about AI and its security implications. Throughout the two-day workshop, journalists and public information professionals will deepen their understanding of AI and autonomous robotics, their potential applications in day-to-day life and conflict situations, and the challenges that their introduction may pose, especially in terms of security. Participants will also be engaged in a series of brainstorming sessions and practical exercises with eminent engineers, academics and policy makers, expanding their professional network in a select, international environment.

Deadline for applications: 14 February 2016 (23:00 CET)