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The European Union and the United Nations launch the first Summer School on migration

Migration - Challenges and Opportunities for Europe

Turin -

The first United Nations and European Union Summer School on Migration will take place in Turin from the 8th to the 19th September 2008. The Summer School, organized by the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), the European Training Foundation (ETF), the University Institute of European Studies (IUSE) and the Faculty of Law of the University of Torino, has been organized in cooperation with International and European Forum of Migration Research (Fieri).

The first edition of the International Summer School Migration, Challenges and Opportunities for Europe is aimed at providing students and young professionals with a comprehensive understanding and detailed perspective of the economic, legal and social aspects related to immigration flows.   The complexity of the phenomenon of migration requires in-depth knowledge of its dynamics and developments. Migration can represent a problem when countries, institutions and societies are not adequately prepared to respond to it. On the other hand migration can be an opportunity for growth for both migrants and receiving countries when there is a real opportunity for a process of exchange and integration. The Summer School aims to enhance the knowledge of this phenomenon and of the best practices involved in dealing with it. The presence in Turin of important European Union and UN organisations devoted to training, research, and technical assistance lend an international and multidisciplinary approach and a necessary added value to the School, giving a unique dimension to the understanding of the phenomenon.

The programme of the International Summer School is designed as an intensive workshop, combining theoretical and practical approaches. In an international and stimulating environment, the school offers the possibility of interacting intensively with highly recognised international experts on the highly debated topic of immigration policies, beginning with socio-economic factors leading to immigration, and working up to the most recent EU immigration policy debate. The course will cover issues such as trafficking in human beings, radicalization and integration policies. The roster of lecturers will be comprised of international experts, University Professors and officials from International Organisations and European Institutions.

The courses will mostly be run at the Headquarters of the European Training Foundation, while some will be held at UNICRI and at the University of Torino. The Summer School is supported by Compagnia di San Paolo. A limited number of fellowships are available.

Application forms and detailed information can be found in the Turin International Summer School website ( or can be requested from the secretariat c/o University Institute of European Studies, Via Maria Vittoria 26, Torino. Tel: +390118394660 email Fax: +390118394664

Deadline for applications: 7th July 2008