UNICRI has launched its Anti-Trafficking Training in cooperation with UNODC, the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) and the Italian NGO TAMPEP. The opening ceremony marked the launch of this initiative, which takes place within the framework of the project "Preventing and Combating Trafficking of Minors and Young Women from Nigeria to Italy".
The recipients of the training, which covers victims' assistance and social reintegration, are members of the Edo State NGO, Coalition against Trafficking in Persons (ENCATIP). Particular attention is paid to trafficked minors' needs and problems, as well as networking at a bilateral (Nigeria - Italy) and international level. The course will be structured as follows: two-weeks of intensive training; a distance-learning training module; and one week of training to conclude.
Representatives of NAPTIP Headquarters and the Italian Embassy attended the opening ceremony.
The programme builds upon the achievements of an innovative pilot programme funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and carried out by UNICRI in cooperation with UNODC, Nigerian Institutions and NGOs, from September 2002 to April 2004.
The present project, designed and implemented by UNICRI in cooperation with UNODC, and Nigerian institutions and NGOs, will last 24 months (from March 2008 to March 2010). The overall objective of the project is to help reduce trafficking from Nigeria to Italy.
The problem of trafficking is addressed in a comprehensive and integrated way, taking into consideration the multifaceted dimensions and tackling different levels of institutions and geographical locations. The project supports the work of the NGO Coalition against Human Trafficking, established within the framework of the pilot programme. The programme includes prevention, victims’ assistance and social reintegration activities. The project also foresees the creation of a network of Nigerian and Italian NGOs working in the field, with the aim of improving assistance to victims and supporting them in both Nigeria and Italy. The objective is to establish direct contacts and promote the exchange of information on the issue.