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Training held in Manila on preparing medical laboratories

EU CBRN Risk Mitigation CoE Initiative

Manila -


Funded by the European Union

Training held in Manila on preparing medical laboratories to be compliant with ISO 15189: 2012 and Biorisk Management System

A two-week training organized by France Expertise Internationale (FEI) in Muntinlupa City in the Philippines took place from 16 to 30 June 2014. The course was organized within the framework of the project 7 “Guidelines, procedures and standardization on biosafety, biosecurity and bio risk management” which is part of the European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence initiative. The training took place following the FEI Regional Workshop in Manila in January 2014.

The training was aimed at ensuring the compliance of Medical Laboratories with the ISO standard 15189: 2012 and enhancing Bio risk Management System as a whole. It was led by Dr. Siripan Wongwanich, an expert working on the implementation of the project in South-East Asia for FEI. Participants from the University of the Philippines and the Research Institute of Tropical Medicine attended the course.

The content of the training provided was very technical and focused on the understanding of the following standards’ requirements: ISO 15189: 2012, ISO 15190: 2003, CWA 15793: 2011 and ISO 19011: 2011. Its objective was deepen participants’ knowledge and expertise in the field of biosafety and biosecurity in order to enable them to prepare documents in compliance with the aforementioned standards and to carry out onsite internal audits of laboratory quality management system. This training was followed by a ceremony attended by Chancellor Manuel B. Agulto of the University of the Philippines Manila; Ms. Maria Eugenia de los Angeles Rettori, Regional Coordinator for the South East Asia Regional Secretariat; the Head of the Regional Secretariat in South East Asia Mr. Oscar Valenzuela as well as the National Focal Point of the Philippines, Colonel Jose Embang.

The EU CBRN CoE Initiative is funded by the European Union and implemented in cooperation with UNICRI. The initiative is developed with the technical support of relevant international and regional organisations, the EU Member States and other stakeholders through coherent and effective cooperation at national, regional and international level. The initiative involves 47 countries in 8 regions of the world.


For more information:

CBRN Centres of Excellence website:

European Commission, Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace website:



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