Latest news
- The Hague -High-level round table meeting on chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) Risk Mitigation Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ and UNICRI The Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingen
- Turin -The Opening Ceremony of the International Criminal Law Defence Seminar was held on Tuesday, 6 May 2014 at the Foundation of the Turin Bar Association (Fondazione dell’Avvocatura Torinese Fulvio Croce) in Turin.
- Naples -From the Youth of Scampia Voices against Crime A presentation of the project Voices against Crime will take place at the Auditorium of Scampia on 6 May 2014.
- Turin -The Seminar, organized in cooperation with the Office of the Public Counsel for the Defence of the International Criminal Court, presents a unique opportunity for lawyers interested in the practice of international criminal law whether in national
- Turin -Investigating and Reporting Hate Speech Online A meeting of experts has been organized on “Investigating and Reporting Hate Speech Online” by the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) at its headquart
- Geneva -Addressing the multifaceted problem of falsified medicines A Conference in Geneva to discuss innovative and integrated approaches A Conference on falsified medicines has been organized by the United Nations Interregional Crime
- Turin -This issue serves as a platform to share different perspectives on some of the most critical destabilizing factors such as violent extremism, corruption, organized criminal networks and environmental crime.
- Bucharest -Building an effective cooperation mechanism against falsified medicines The establishment of a public-private stakeholders group in Romania Falsified medicines are a serious and complex problem that poses a great danger to pati
- The Hague -The international tabletop exercise @tomic 2014 took place in Maastricht from 18 to 20 February 2014. The exercise focused on enhancing radiological and nuclear security and on preventing radiological and nuclear terrorism.
- Naples -The voice of victims for change: a new initiative of the United Nations and the Municipality of Naples The new pilot initiative “Voices against crime” will be launched in Naples on 11 February 2014.
- Luanda, Angola -We are very sorry to hear of Ms. Maria do Carmo Medina’s passing away. Her contribution to the UNICRI project “Strengthening Juvenile Justice in Angola” was invaluable.
- Turin -The Opening Ceremony of the Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International Crime and Justice was held on Monday 3 February 2014 at the Palazzo del Rettorato of the University of Turin.
- Turin -Actions against counterfeit medicines A conference to discuss organized crime involvement and prevention strategies Turin, 29 January 2014 Counterfeit medicines is a serious problem affecting every country in the worl