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Goal 16

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Since 2012 UNICRI has been supporting Member States, upon request, in their efforts to build effective rehabilitation programmes for violent extremist offenders (VEOs) to ensure that prisons are not serving as hotbeds of radicalization.

Cooperation with Member States (Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Mali, Morocco, the Philippines and Thailand) has been established to develop different rehabilitation pathways according to the local context and needs.

There is increasing recognition that terrorists can benefit from organized crime, whether domestic or transnational, through trafficking in arms, persons, drugs, cultural property, the illicit exploitation and trafficking of natural resources such as oil, precious metals and minerals, as well as timber, charcoal, and wildlife, the abuse of legitimate commercial enterprise, non-profit organizations, external donations, crowdfunding and proceeds of criminal activity, including kidnapping for ransom, extortion, bank robbery, as well as transnational organized crime at sea.

“Preventing and Responding to the Use of Chemical Weapons by Non-State Actors for Terrorist Purposes in Indonesia” is a project implemented in Indonesia by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in partnership with UNICRI, and in collaboration with the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), and the International Criminal Police Organisation (INTERPOL).


Мир, в котором мы сейчас живем, сложен и постоянно меняется. Преступные структуры с легкостью реагируют на меняющиеся ландшафты угроз и прогрессирующие технологии, создавая множество проблем для тех, кто расследует и осуществляет судебное преследование за преступления. Особо сложные преступления связаны с преднамеренным приобретением и использованием опасных химических и биологических веществ с целью причинения вреда людям, животным, окружающей среде или для нарушения нашего образа жизни.


Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) disinformation is defined as intentionally misleading and deceptive information about CBRN threats that can potentially cause serious political, financial, and physical harm to governments, international organizations, the scientific community, academia, industry, and the population at large.

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