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  • Rome -
    International Round Table on problems of clinical trials in developing countries
  • Brussels -
    Anti-Money Laundering Europe (AME) and UNICRI held joint seminar to examine key issues and best practices in the implementation of the EU Third Money Laundering Directive (2005/60/EC).
  • Geneva -
    The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) invited all Permanent Missions to commemorate the International Day against Slavery – a joint OHCHR – UNESCO initiative – on 2 December 2008.
  • Milan -
    The International Permanent Observatory (IPO) presented its stand at the Milan Security Expo 2008 in the presence of Alfredo Mantica, Italian Under-Secretary for State of External Affairs.
  • The debate on hacking, the acti
  • Turin -
    UNICRI expresses with deep sadness and sorrow the passing of staff and civilians alike that were affected by the excessive events which occurred in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Northern Somalia.
  • Turin -
    Roberta Barberini General Prosecutor and former UN expert on international law, presented her new book titled "Il Giudice e il Terrorista" at the UNICRI HQ in Turin.
  • As crime becomes increasingly internationalized, new forms of crime tend to emerge leading the international community to be progressively worried about the perspectives of terrorism, cyber crime, money laundering, identity thefts, trasnational or
  • Oporto -
    3rd UN Meeting on Enhancing Private-Public Sectors Cooperationto Protect Vulnerable Targets from Terrorist Attacks
  • Turin -
    For the celebration of UN Day 2008, the gates of the UN campus in Turin were opened to the public.
  • UNICRI met yesterday with various representatives of Italian regions and experts from the Italian Cooperation to establish a new platform for decentralised cooperation within the programme: "Preventing and Combating Trafficking of Minors
  • Mozambique -
    Training is a fundamental step to enable juvenile justice to be effective in Mozambique: for this reason, the Programme Strengthening Juvenile Justice in Mozambique is implementing several trainings to local counterparts.
  • Stockholm -
    UNICRI's work in the field of counterfeiting has been recognized by the Global Anti-Counterfeiting Group.
  • Rome -
    UNICRI, in collaboration with the Italian Medicine Agency, GCP Promotion Unit, GCP and Pharmacovigilance Inspectorate, has undertaken research into procedures used for clinical trials, which utilize human participants.
  • Stockholm -
    The Police Division of the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), organized this month in Stockholm a two-day meeting of the International Policy Advisory Council (IPAC), gathering Police and Law enforcement experts to discuss the increa
  • Since 2005, UNICRI has been involved in the development of innovative programmes to fight cybercrime, a new phenomenon which has the potential to undermine the security of our global system and that each year affects the lives of millions of p
  • Turin -
    Within the framework of UNICRI's Support Programme to Children in Angola, Maria Do Carmo Medina's book 'Lei do Julgado de Menores, Codigo de Processo do Julgado de Menores' (Juvenile Justice Law - Process Code for Juvenile Courts) has been rep
  • Rome -
    The Conference, organised by the Department of Public Security - Office of Public Order - of the Italian Ministry of the Interior presented, at an interna
  • Rome -
    In the Italian Police School for Advanced Studies, a conference will be held in order to conclude the first European project (EU SEC) on security during major events.
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