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Action Programme against Trafficking in Minors for Sexual Purposes


Article 3 (c)

The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt  
of a child for the purpose of exploitation  
shall be considered "trafficking in persons" [...]  

Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons
supplementing the UN Convention against TOC

The goal of the "Action Programme against Trafficking in Minors for Sexual Purposes", implemented in close cooperation with ECPAT International, was to contribute towards reducing trafficking in minors for sexual exploitation and the serious violations of children's fundamental rights linked with this phenomenon through:

  • Analyzing and monitoring the evolution of trafficking in children for sexual purposes;
  • Disseminating the information acquired through the development of this website and relevant databases;
  • Expanding and strengthening international and regional cooperation through information sharing;
  • Implementing models of technical cooperation activities in 3 pilot countries (Costa Rica, Thailand and Ukraine).

The project lasted 20 months, from January 2005 till August 2006.

The project has been generousely funded by the Italian Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE/DGCS).

This section of the website has been updated
on January 30, 2007