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Protection of vulnerable targets

Turin -

UNICRI to hold follow-up Brainstorming session
to enhance public-private partnerships

Based on the success of the initial brainstorming session, held in November 2007, to enhance public and private sector partnerships (PPPs) for the protection of vulnerable targets, UNICRI will host a follow-up brainstorming session in March 2008. The session, to be held on the UN Campus in Turin, aims to develop the channels of communication between members of both sectors and to build on the knowledge of best practices gained at the previous session.

UNICRI is a member of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF), established by the Secretary-General as a forum to discuss strategic issues and ensure coherent action across the UN system in counter-terrorism. UNICRI leads the working group on the protection of vulnerable targets from terrorist attacks, in particular in the area of public private partnerships.