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Second Day of memory for the victims of terrorism and slaughter

Turin -

The Italian association for the victims of terrorism has organised a two days event in Turin (Italy) to celebrate the II edition of the “Day of memory for the victims of terrorism and slaughter”, and to stimulate the discussion linked to the legal aspects.
The celebration will take place on 21 and 22 May 2009.

Following the civil ceremony, the International Conference on the European Rights of the Victims of Terrorism, within the project VNET2 (The Voice of Victims of Terrorism) and the program 'Jpen' of the European Commission, will take place.

The conference members are international delegates of associations and organizations from Spain, France, Northern Ireland, Great Britain, Holland, Portugal, and representatives of the European Commission and Parliament, the Italian Government and local Institutions.

A UNICRI representative will be attending the discussion and the ceremonies.

The second day of the commemoration will be dedicated to a working group on the comparison of the legislations of the European countries in regard to the victims of terrorism: towards a 'Charter of Victims’, within the grant NAVT (European Network of Associations of Victims of Terrorism) with the European Commission.

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