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Management of Crisis Situations in Penitentiary Institutions

In collaboration with Il Provveditorato Regionale dell’Amministrazione Penitenziaria Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta (The Regional Agency for Criminal Administration for Piedmont and the Aosta Valley), UNICRI organized a series of training courses on the management of crisis situations in penitentiary institutions. The courses were organized to cater to the specific needs of the Agency’s managerial and executive staff and led by experts from a wide range of fields, all with vast experience in the continuous training of adults and professionals.

The aim of these courses was to consolidate participants’ knowledge of how to manage critical events in prisons and give them the opportunity to develop specific skills in this field. The courses drew heavily on the participants’ personal knowledge and experience as a basis for reflection and development.

Amongst a range of other activities, participants took part in simulations and role-plays on the principle paradigms of communication, conducted group work on various topics including resource evaluation, and received training on the practical aspects of the management of conflicts and critical events. Throughout the course, participants approached various questions related to international law and human rights, thus gaining a better understanding of where prison personnel stand legally regarding the use of force.