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IPO Seminar

in View of the Olympic Games

Turin -

Strengthening International Cooperation in View of the Olympic Games

Turin, 9 November 2007. The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) organized a two day seminar to discuss best practises, experiences and ideas for improving security at major events. The seminar saw the participation of numerous representatives of international institutions and security agencies from a number of different Olympic Family nations.

The Seminar is part of a programme of events that UNICRI has convened in support of the efforts of the Beijing Public Security Bureau. For several years now, UNICRI has been working very closely with the Beijing Public Security Bureau in view of the XXIX Olympic Games that will take place in Beijing in 2008.

During the seminar international experts in the field briefed the Beijing Public Security Bureau and other participants about the experience they have developed through the coordination of security for previous events.

The seminar involved major players in previous international geo-political events such as the 15th Asian Games, Doha, 2006; the 2006 Winter Olympics, Turin; and the 2007 Cricket World Cup, the West Indies, and most recently, the APEC forum 2007, held in Sydney, Australia.

Sir David Veness, the United Nations Under-Secretary General for Safety and Security chaired the meeting. He reaffirmed the support of the UN for security measures at the Olympic Games 2008. "People from many nations are involved in the preparations and delivery of the Olympic Games. Citizens of many states will attend as team members, officials, spectators and in many other roles. All have an interest in safety and security. International co-operation is vital to achieve this objective." Presentations were made to participants from Australia, Indonesia, Italy, Jamaica, Malaysia, Norway, the Philippines, the Russian Federation, Spain and Turkey.

The Seminar gave participating delegates the opportunity to share their expertise on security planning and highlight, from their own country's perspective, matters they feel are particularly important to reduce identified risks, threats and vulnerabilities.

Participants discussed particular security related considerations aimed at opening up effective communication channels for further cooperation and enhanced liaison in view of the Olympic Games.

According to Mr. Sandro Calvani, UNICRI Director, "UNICRI provides a very important platform for the safe achievements of the delivery of manor events. The International Permanent Observatory has assisted many states in planning the security of major events; I am confident that our Institute will provide effective assistance on security issues surrounding the Bejing Olympic Games".