Training and Advanced Education

Integrated knowledge management through research and the dissemination of relevant information on crime prevention and criminal justice is one of UNICRI’s core objectives. This objective is reliant upon specialized training and education activities. UNICRI’s vision for the Training and Advanced Education programme is based on the need for coordinated information sharing. The availability and selection of necessary and sufficient data and its methodological transfer must be guaranteed through networking with academic institutions, international organizations and research centres, as well as individual experts.
In carrying out these objectives, UNICRI offers a series of post-graduate classes and short courses on topics that fall within the scope of its mandate. In 2013-14, UNICRI is offering its eighth annual LL.M. programme in International Crime and Justice in collaboration with the Department of Law of the University of Turin, and is attended by 46 post-graduate students from 29 countries.
In order to increase competency and share expertise, UNICRI, acting upon the request of member states, designs and implements a variety of specialized training courses for executives and judicial personnel aimed at building and reinforcing their potential. UNICRI works in partnership with different countries on a wide range of training and education activities with the purpose to enhance legal awareness and promote greater understanding of fundamental rights, crime prevention and criminal justice. In this regard, the Institute has developed a global network for the exchange of information on training and advanced education in crime prevention and criminal justice at the international level. New Masters degree programmes and short courses which fall within the scope of UNICRI’s specific expertise in crime prevention and criminal justice are continually being developed, whilst educational institutions around the world are being given increased support in their application of UNICRI’s advanced training methodologies.
Special focus is given to education and training in developing countries at graduate, post-graduate and professional levels in order to strengthen criminal justice systems and the rule of law. Furthermore, given its unique operational approach together with the substantive methodological and organizational skills of UNICRI’s staff, the Institute possesses the standing capacity to design and implement high-level training courses (in-house and on-site, face-to-face and e-learning) and create training manuals in the area of crime prevention, criminal justice, international criminal law and human rights. Tailor-made specialized training programmes for judicial personnel continue to be delivered in-house or on the field upon the request of member states.
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