Sandro Calvani, Director, UNICRI

Guido Rasi, Executive Director, AIFA
Henk Ten Have, Director, Division of Ethics of Sciences and Technology, UNESCO - The Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights and the UNESCO work in building capacity for ethical review
Eva Bagenholm, Chair, WMA Committee on Medical Ethics, President of the Swedish Medical Association, and Julia Seyer,
Maurizio Salvi, European Commission, European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies - EGE, Head of Secretariat, Policy Adviser at the Bureau of European Policy Advisers to the President of the European Commission: The role and functions of the European Commission in protecting human participants in biomedical research
Marie-Charlotte Bouessëau, Team Leader, Ethics and Health, Department of Ethics, Equity, Trade and Human Rights, WHO Geneva:
Chris Zielinski, Coordinator, Research for Health, WHO/AFRO:
Jan Helge Solbakk, Chair of Medical Ethics and Head of Section, Section for Medical Ethics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway:
Valeria Piccone, Judge, Human Rights Expert, Ministry of Justice, Italy:
Jerome A. Singh, Head of Ethics and Health Law at the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA), Honorary Research Fellow at the Howard College School of Law, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa, and Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada: How human rights, health law, and the judiciary can enhance protection of human participants in biomedical research: lessons from South Africa
Aissatou Toure, Ethics Committee of Senegal, Institute Pasteur, Dakar, Senegal:
Aceme Nyika, Ethics Coordinator, African Malaria Network Trust (AMANET): AMANET needs assessment survey of ethical review committees in Africa: overview of findings
Melody Lin, Deputy Director and Director of International Activities Program, Office for Human Research Protection, Department of Health and Human Services, United States of America:
Edlyn Jimenez-Santos, Research Fellow, Global Forum on Bioethics in Research, Council on Health Research and Development COHRED,
Juntra Karbwang, coordinator, UNICEF, UNDP, World Bank, WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR): The Strategic Initiative for Developing Capacity in Ethical Review 'SIDCER: The Asia experience'
Volnei Garrafa, Chairman, Post-Graduate Programme in Bioethics, University of Brasilia, Brazil:
Abdul Ghaffar, Research Policy and Cooperation, WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean:
Cav. Claudio Cavazza, Vice-President Farmindustria: Presentation on behalf of Farmindustria.
Hans-Georg Eichler, Officer, European Medicines Agency:
Roma Chilengi, Clinical Coordinator, AMANET:
Kristiina Kangaspunta, Executive Officer, Applied Research Programme, UNICRI: