Integrated knowledge management through research and the dissemination of relevant information on crime prevention and criminal justice is one of UNICRI’s core objectives. This objective is reliant upon specialized training and education activities. UNICRI’s vision for the Training and Advanced Education programme is based on the need for coordinated information sharing.
Doing Business with UNICRI
UNICRI acquires goods and services on the basis of a formal contract award procedure that follows a competitive procurement process.
The major categories of goods procured comprise:
- Office equipment and supplies
- Furniture
- Computer equipment
- Software and supplies
- Communication equipment
The major categories of services procured include:
The United Nations is looking for competent and motivated persons with a strong belief in its purpose and mandates, who are willing to dedicate themselves to a rewarding international career in different locations around the world. The United Nations provides an opportunity to serve in a dynamic, multicultural environment in a variety of jobs in the support of global causes.
In order to continue to improve the effectiveness of UNICRI’s projects, further galvanize the involvement of civil societies, advance the technical cooperation between partners, and promote the awareness of issues that UNICRI tackles, UNICRI is constantly seeking to improve itself through the establishment of new platforms for cooperation. An ever-expanding network of associations, including partners, donors, and employees, helps UNICRI further accomplish its objectives.
Headquarters Viale Maestri del Lavoro, 10 |
Liaison Office in Rome |
The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) was established in 1968 pursuant to Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) resolution 1086 B (XXXIX) of 1965, which urged an expansion of the United Nations activities in crime prevention and criminal justice. The Institute is an autonomous institution of the United Nations, and is presently ruled by the Statute adopted by ECOSOC with Resolution No.1989/56 of 24 May 1989. UNICRI operates within the framework of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network.
The Institutes Comprising the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network (PNI)
In recognition of the importance of regional and interregional cooperation, and in response to various legislative mandates, a network of institutes was established by the Secretariat of the United Nations, in cooperation with the Member States. The network has been developed to assist the international community in strengthening international cooperation in the crucial area of crime prevention and criminal justice at the global, regional and subregional levels.
UNICRI is always receptive to new partnerships that facilitate its mission in countering crime, enhancing justice and contributing to the protection of human rights. Since its establishment, UNICRI has partnered with a variety of international organizations, governments, NGOs, and civil societies. These mutually-beneficial partnerships between UNICRI and partner organizations aid UNICRI in fulfilling its mandate while simultaneously improving the capabilities of UNICRI’s partners.
UNICRI Public Information
UNICRI actions answer the need to improve knowledge on crime prevention and justice related issues. Policy and actions should be based on reality and concrete facts. Since its establishment, the Institute has provided governments and the international community at large with new knowledge and tools to interpret complex and evolving phenomena.
Since its establishment, UNICRI has developed activities and conducted research in close cooperation with universities all around the world. Renowned professors have been involved in the development of Institute projects and participated in their implementation. Representatives from academia have also contributed to our publications.
UNICRI is currently working with several universities in: